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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

2011 in review

Like one of those corny award shows that run at the end of the year, I have found myself of late reviewing 2011 as my annus horribilus, or whatever terminology the queen used for her worst year. Maybe 2011 has shared top place of crappy year charts with the year i got divorced.

2011, it seems, was the year that chewed me up and spat me out. A constant rollercoaster of challenges, that kept coming and coming. Heres a selection of them!

New Years Day 2011: Regan and his mum have a bad word fight. She didn't speak to us or the grandies for 3 months. Yes, It was March before we were allowed back!
The Big Fight with Kerry, I'm not sure what month....Going back to church knowing that probably everyone in there knows your business and that you certainly aren't that perfect family you hope people think you are!
(Spin off, silver lining, I wonder if you can actually call someone your friend until you've had an argument and patched things up?)
Holding my dear friend Wiremu's hand as he passed away, while Regan attempted CPR on him after a massive heart attack witnessed by Kieran.
The whole ADHD thing - Trying to navigate the muddy pathways of ADHD diagnosis, and not getting adequate support from school or friends!
(Silver Lining - I learnt opinions are like assholes - everyone has one)
The rising cost of living. Wow - I cant believe how prices have jumped. We've had 4 overseas visitors this year, and all have been disgusted about the cost of living here. SAHM-ing sure is a luxury.
Tristan's teacher. Mrs Howie. Blergh. Burnt Out teachers should leave and retire. Instead, they victimise the children in their care. Tristan first year of intermediate ruined by her. Tamatea better pull their socks up this year, or i'm pulling him outta there.
Caitlin and that 'thing' with the school and CYFS, if you don't know about it, i aint telling ya.
Adri leaving us.
How intense things got with Jenniah and Mike.

See - These are just thing as they come to me. The day to day stuff was just as bad. There were good bits though. The slightly shorter list would have to include:

Mike and Ebonys wedding. What a great day! It was great having something to aim for and buy outfits for, and finally having a night off from ALL the kids. Yay Us!
Watching Daniel be born in February. Possibly my all time lifetime high. How this little creature can not be there one minute and here the next was amazing! Profoundly spiritual. I'd so love to do that for a career.

So 2012, you had better have your party outfit on and be ready to give us a stella year! We deserve one!

New Years Resolutions? 

I don't go in for them myself. Too many cliches and not enough willpower.
Although i have set myself some small short term goals for the year. I will put them here to serve as a reminder to myself!

Learn Polymer Clay modelling. I'm already a step ahead at this, as i bought some today. My main intention was to learn to make card toppers for my cardmaking. Turns out - thats really hard and will require some serious upskilling. However sculpting wasn't that hard, and i have a wee piggy in the oven as we speak.

Set Up a Homework Box. Ok, So i hate homework as much as the kids do.I mean, my opinion is that we tell our husbands not to bring work home, but we make our kids do it instead? Who wants to put in 6 hours of schoolwork and then come home and continue. That said, this year, i will try and get a homework box made up with all the cutesy stationary bits that entice small children into working.

Mark Special Peoples Birthdays. This one i'm also already ahead on, as i did all my January birthdays in December. If i keep a month ahead, i might manage this one. (Oh, i should have said, i want to send a handmade card to each one)

And so Goodbye 2011 - Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out!

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