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Friday, 27 July 2012

Craft Stuff (mostly)

I didn't want to spam my facebook page with photos of my latest craft conquests, it feels a little like fishing for compliments.
But i still wanted to share some stuff ive been making with those it might interest!
So heres some photos of the stuff ive been up;

Ive really been utilising my sewing machine lately, its been great to see my beginner skills increase with each task. Heres 2 taggy blankets i whipped up for Regan's friend who has just had a baby boy. Ezekiel. Loving his name!

I sewed this bunting for caitlins birthday. We are refurbishing an old desk for her, and this will go on the wall above it. This cost me $4 to make, and i think it looks fab. Got an idea to make one for another little girl who'se birthday is coming up soon.

Gi-Nourmous bubbles! gee these were fun to do. We did them in the second week of the school holidays. We made our own bubble blowers, and i got a recipe for mixture off Pinterest.It made a hooer of a mess, as you need cornflour which dries when the bubbles pop. Great fun though.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

School Holiday Fun

I really enjoy school holidays. I stay in my PJ's until i HAVE to go out, and i don't have to prepare school lunches. (My most detested chore)
The July ones are the most challenging for me, given that it is the rainy season, so all activities have to be indoorsy ones.
The solution came to me whilst browsing Pinterest. Theres a ton of craft ideas on there suitable for kids. I made up a list of crafts that won't break my small budget, and so far we've done quite a few of them.

Here a couple of them that really captured their attention.

Wild bird feeders.

You need:
Bird Seed
Peanut butter
Old toilet rolls

You cover your roll in peanut butter.

Then you roll your buttered roll in a tray of bird seed

The you thread your string through the middle and tie it at the top. Hang it from a tree, when you are done.
The children have enjoyed watching the birds come and eat from it.

Rainbow Rice

Although this one is intended for toddlers/preschoolers. I knew my kids would still use it, as they are a tactile bunch, and they love to get involved.

You need:
1kg of long grain white rice
A selection of food colouring
A lidded lunchbox

You divide your rice into as many portions as you have food colouring.
You add a batch of rice to your lunchbox, and a few drops of food colouring. (A little goes a long way)
You put on the lid tightly and shake the box up.

We borrowed a trough from the toy library and filled it with our rainbow rice. The children used it for various things. The littler ones like to swish about with it, and the bigger ones liked the feel of it running through their fingers. It kept them occupied for hours, and best of all, even though the trough went back last week, i have the rainbow rice stored away to play with another time.

Fizzy Bath Bombs
These were a heap of fun to make.
You need:

2 cups of baking soda
1 cup citric acid
A few drops of fragrance (essential oil)
2 tsps water (or witch hazel)

You add the dry ingredients to a big bowl, and get out all the lumps. the you add your fragrance, then you add your water and mix it really quickly. It will fizz up a bit, but work fast until your mixture resembles wet sand. Then you put it into molds. We used chocolate molds. you leave them for a minute or two, then carefully pop them out of the molds.

The children want to give them away as gifts, they have to be left overnight to harden, so tomorrow we will make them up with cardboard and cellophane into little gifts.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Bargain of the year!

I am a self confirmed op shop addict. I just love to mooch around them, and i adore the thrill of finding the best bargain!
Like today!
I cannot BELIEVE what i scored today.
I've seen them floating around on those mummy craft blogs. The cleverest bloggers make them, and i have coveted from afar.

They are sometimes called quiet books, but they are just fabric books, with quiet activities inside. Whoever made my one was extremely talented. Heres a sample of the inside pages.

It goes all the way to 10

I can see it becoming a much loved book in our house, definately one to keep for the grandkids.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Moon Dough

I've been wandering around the online world of other mum bloggers recently. Its neat to see what others get up to with their kids. I found one i especially liked called Happy Hooligans.
Check her out here
Have a look at those giant bubbles. They are so on my to do list!

Whilst browsing, i came across a recipe for moondough. I remember the stuff being commercially made a few years ago, and sold for a fair bit in childrens stores. I always admired from afar, but was intrigued by the concept. Re-discovering the stuff + recipe, had me pretty excited. And i made it as soon as i could.

Here's Coby getting into the stuff. Its so tactile, All the kids and myself have really been enjoying it.

It holds its shape quite well. (as above) but it isnt like playdough where you can cut figures out. It crumbles away with pressure.

A good tip, gained from a fellow blogger, was to use the Johnson & Johnson lavender stuff, as the smell is really delicious.
Apparently it lasts for ages too, which is great.
Oh and it makes your hands so lovely and soft.
Here's the recipe.

8 cups of flour
1 cup of baby oil.

Yes, it is that simple!!!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Flight to Heaven

I just had to blog about a book i read today.
A Flight to Heaven by Capt Dale Black.

I picked it up at about 10am this morning and just couldn't put it down. I finished it at about 2pm this afternoon.

The book begins as the Captain finds himself very low on fuel and about to land his 747 with no airport (or anything)  in sight.
When you read the blurb about what the book is about you know that Dale was in a horrific plane crash, so you begin to assume that this is the beginnings of the description of that crash, but suddenly at a crucial point, the author whips you away, and begins the story again, with Dale as a nineteen year old.

It is revealed that he, and two other experienced pilots were involved in a catastrophic crash that left him the soul survivor.
Even more compelling, is his story of getting his memory back and realising that whilst his body had been in a three day coma, his soul had travelled to heaven.
The trip to heaven was the reason i was interested in this book. The concept of heaven fascinates me, and i have spent a number of hours logged into you tube, scrolling through testimonies of people who believe they have been to heaven, yet returned.
Strangely, but not unreasonably, quite often the stories have striking similarities.
In fact '90 minutes in heaven' written by Don Piper, echoes the same heaven that Dale writes about.
Whatever happened to Dale during his coma, his life was dramatically changed, his entire world view and personality recieved a terrific makeover, and he dedicated his entire life to the service of Christ.
His accident, which involved hitting a solid object at 135mph, causing the plane to disintegrate in midair, killing one person right there, and then causing him to freefall for seven stories, left him with horrific injuries, and a battle to walk again, see again and even lift his arm. Early on, Dale dedicated his recovery to God, and his own doctor was left astounded at his supernatural healilng defying medical experience.
The stand out scripture revealed in this book for me is

He who loses his life for My sake will find it. Matt 16-25

It is what happened to Dale, and it was a process that he had to walk through himself, but oh, what blessings were in store for him when he did completely lay his own desires down.

The final chapters of the book, flick back to the scene on a seemingly doomed flight, that got us hooked in the first place. All hope is lost. Everything that could go wrong with their plane, and also the ground communication had gone wrong. But as Dale shows us, God came through for him. The plane has a miraculous landing. If i revealed too much about this part it would ruin the book for you.
I highly recommend this book. Its a rollercoaster ride, with a few tears spilt on the way. I love that its a true story, the final page has contact details for the author. Everything he claims is completely verifiable.
That scripture up there though, has really gotten under my skin. You might see another canvas appearing here very soon!!!


Monday, 21 May 2012

Jesus is bigger than any mistake

Here's my latest canvas.
Its an idea thats been swirling round in my mind for a couple of weeks. Unbidden, and relentless.
Its the idea that Jesus is bigger than any mistake.
Which is an idea that could do with a little unpacking.
My three year old asked me what it said. I explained, and this is the conversation that followed:

'So, you know how you stole my tic tacs last night?'
'that means that even though you did that. Jesus still loves you.'
'oh! yeah!'

About 5 mins later i revisited that conversation.

'Coby? What does my painting say?'
'It says Jesus loves it when you steal!'

I saw i had some more explaining to do.
God's blanket grace for people who turn their heart towards him, is something that takes alot of explaining. Human hearts feel the injustice when we realise that a baby-murderer is offered the same grace, and forgiveness that we ourselves have. Its an unconditional, all consuming love affair, from our Father directed at His creation.

Accepting this for ourselves is a harder ask, harder still, than understanding it. Often we hold on to our hurts, and our condemnation, allowing them to bloom and fester into all manner of ills. How much better to use the medicine of Grace to seep into our bones, and allow healing to occur.

I think this idea turned canvas that God gave me, was not perhaps just for me.
Recently, One of my sons arrived home in a police car, having been picked up for shoplifting. Its such a shocking event, having your child handled by the law, in such a public way, that at first, the incident rocked my whole world. I thought i'd failed as a parent, and perhaps in some ways, i had.
I wondered at the thought process of this the child, who thought that this was ok.
I ranted.
I raved.
I cried.

I prayed.

And slowly, i began to see that just maybe, this incident might not be a defining moment in our lives, it wasn't a line drawn, marked by 'before' and 'after.' It didn't need to fester and scar. It certainly had (and has) consequences. Far reaching ones for sure. But one thing kept coming back.

Jesus is bigger than any mistake.

Jesus is bigger than any mistake.

Stand before him with a repentant heart, and surely he'll turn any action as white as snow. Erased from His memory, free of judgement.
Not for us. Not for our sake, but for His. To elimanate any barrier that would get in the way of His love for Us.

Its an amazing concept, a powerful one. The feeling of freedom contained in it, has transforming power.
And because we have and can accept forgiveness for our sins. We can offer that same forgiveness to others.
You know that lady who cut you off?

Jesus is bigger than any mistake.

That teacher that never calls on your kid when they put their hand up in class?

Jesus is bigger than any mistake.

Your partner cheated on you

Jesus is bigger than any mistake

Your mother was killed in a road accident by a careless driver.

Yes, Jesus is bigger than that mistake too.

I'm not sitting here, saying its an easy road to take. The road from hatred to forgiveness, might be a twisty one with a couple of u-turns. But the final destination is a journey worth taking.
I'll leave you with a Scripture worth thinking about.

If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].
1 John 1: 9

Oh! I found another scripture that really defines my canvas...

Romans 8:38-39

 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ironically, its been staring at me from my bedroom wall for a couple of months!

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Sky Lantern

We have been having so much fun lately with a packet of sky lanterns we picked up on a discount website.
Personally, i had never encountered them before, and i was very nervous about how they would work.
Turns out, they are supremely easy to use, and such alot of fun, i totally recommend that you get some, and try them out yourself.

Here we are getting set up. Obviously, you have to do this at night, the darker and clearer the night, the better. You light a small fuel block on the bottom of the lantern.

Here it is after a minute filled with hot air and ready for take off. Everyone is excited!

Take off! There she goes...look carefully and you can see a house at the bottom.

Here's the kids in awe of how high its getting. Theres lots of excitement, and lots of conversation. We try to guess how high it will go. We were also nervous it would land on someones roof and cause a fire!

Here is it just before it burnt out. The packaging says it will reach 800m high, And the burn time is approx 5 mins.

The sky lanterns are fully biodegradable, so they arent a problem for the environment when they come back down, although imagine waking up to find one on your lawn! It would make for some puzzling conversations!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Faith VS Life

So here's my latest canvas. It's a scripture that ive had on my mind and my heart for awhile. It came up again while watching 'Courageous'. And i thought i'd paint it.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:14

But what does that actually mean? What does that look like played out in life. I mean: It sounds good, its poetic, heroic, & catchy. I wonder if it means abandoning home comforts for a foreign mission field, or can it possibly mean living a normal life.
I don't consider myself religious. Religion to me is a set of rituals you do over and over, losing the meaning or the emotion behind the actions. I have a relationship with God, and also Jesus, who is my Saviour, and who laid down his human life for me to have my life.
I attend church regulary. For teaching, inspiration, fellowship. But most of all, because its my favourite place to be in the whole world. I look forward to Sundays. I feel out of sorts when i don't attend. I acknowledge that God doesn't live in church. 'Church' isn't the building. Church is the people that go. People that have become my family.
If i didn't ever go to Sunday worship again, i fully believe God wouldn't disown me.
So church attendance isn't serving God.

I wonder if its all the little things that make up daily life, and if so, i know i have to pick up my game. There are great big grey areas that need some serious light shining into them, before they fall into line with serving God.
The children, were interested in what i was painting, and when explained...balked at the word SERVE. It is an 'outdated' word in a me-first society. Media will tell you, 'Do what you want to feel happy. Thats the most important thing. Your choices aren't mine, but they are equally valid.'
In that climate, servanthood has no place.
The bible calls us to lose our life, in order to gain it. To empty ourselves out in order to fill ourselves. To offer the other cheek to a person who just slapped our face. Its a shocking revelation. It was when Jesus announced it. It is now.
But, the truth of it is undeniable. In a culture where depression is the norm, Putting ourselves first is not working for us.
Solomon, the wisest man ever to have lived, on his death bed states' Vanities of vanities!' and then chastises himself for his obsession with material possession. Solomon claims to have never denied himself a single pleasure.

I tried to explain to my son, that perhaps serving God means not walking away from a teacher when they are talking to you, deferring to the biblical principal of honoring those in authority. For another son, it meant getting baptised, publicly taking your stand for God.

I think it may mean different things for different people at different times. And i hope my life reflects a servanthood for Christ. I know that when the race is done, i hope to hear my Father tell me, Well Done good and faithful servant, in whom i am well pleased. And i hope my family strives for that goal too.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

More Cards

I'm pleased to announce that so far i have kept to my New Year Goal of making cards one month ahead for special birthdays. Here are my March birthdays, minus one, still in the works.

~*~Valentines Day Afternoon ~*~

I came up with the idea to have Catey host a Valentines Day afternoon tea for two reasons. One was that i wanted an opportunity to meet some of the kids she'll be hanging out with this year, and the other is that Caitlin was going into a class with children lots of kids she hadn't met and it was a good chance to make some inroads with some girls before that clicky thing that girls do kicked in.

I enjoyed collecting anything heart related, and trying to think of heart themed foods. Here are the results:
Heart Invites, each one was different, but made with the same elements.

We had heart biscuits, a heart cake, cupcakes with heart toppers and candycane hearts!!

I decorated the table with heart balloons too.

We also did a wee craft. Heart related, of course! We did handprints in the shape of a heart and footprints, which is a nice momento for parents.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Another Painting Idea

Although Coby's enthusiasm for painting has waned, I saw this on the net and it was such a good idea, i wanted to share it.
Basically, you get a muffin tray and spray shaving foam into each hole.

Then you add a few drop of food coloring to each one, and stir it in. It doesn't go watery and holds its consistancy really well.

Once you've made your 'paints', you can just paint it onto paper like a normal pot of paints, but i decided to put it into an empty bath and let Coby paint a wall. I needed him to take a shower anyway, so it was win-win!

And it washed off the wall as easy as pie when i switched the shower on. Totally recommend for a good bit of fun.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Crafty Stuff

Craft. I've always loved it. But just lately i've really got into it. Into all sorts of different mediums. Ive tried knitting, sewing, cross stitch, painting, ploymer clay, baking (its a craft!), jewellery making, crystal hangings, card making, plaster of paris sculpting.... you name it, ive tried it recently.

I can't claim to have any real talent, but what i lack in that department. I make up for in raw enthusiasm. I seem to have quite a few projects in my head too, that are aching to be tried out. For instance, i want to make a sisal lampshade for above my dining table. (That is next on my project list!)
I also want to make some fabric roses to embellish some clothes. Wheat bags...i want to make them for Christmas gifts. Oooo, Christmas... Christmas ornaments, i have some in mind i need to make! i saw some salt dough gift tags, they look great.

As you can see, i have enough 'wants' to keep me busy for some time. Heres some of the projects ive got through.

I made this out of two pieces of fabric i found in our local sally's store for $4. i took off the existing curtain and pilfered the tapes off the top to hang it with and then i sewed it togethher and fashioned it into a curtain. It took me a couple of hours, but i was really pleased with the result.

Heres my owl canvas. I have a real obsession for owls at the moment. But not the actual birds. Im really liking the cartoon version, especially in a zany or vintage print. At some stage i want to make a sewn toy of one, And ive just made a polymer clay one. I just think they are delightful.

Here he is, and hes come out exactly as i had planned. Boy i love him! I keep sneaking a peek at him. Im going to get a long piece of leather and wear him as a necklace. Working with polymer clay was one of my New Year Goals. Im pleased to say ive made a start! I definately want to make some card toppers with the stuff.  I made a pink one too for Caitlin. He wasn't as good. The pink clay i bought was hard to work with, it may have been old stock? the other colours however, were really easy to mold and shape.

I have a plaster of paris volcano on the go at the moment, i need to get the right shape, which is proving difficult. Then will add baking soda and vinegar to show Coby.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Coby is currently into painting. He is spending a good couple of hours a day creating 'masterpieces'. For now, its all about the process and not the end product. But we are certainly enjoying watching him learn.

Today, we tried something a little different...

Fingerpaint Recipe

5 Cups Water
2 Cups Cornflour
Food Colouring in different colours

Pour the water into a pan, and begin to heat.
Put the cornflour into a bowl and add enough water from the pan, to the bowl to make a thick paste. Continue to heat the water in the pan until just before boiling, add the cornflour paste, and stir until thickened. Add your food colouring and transfer to paintpots. Let the mixture cool down before giving it to your children.

Ta Da!!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

2011 in review

Like one of those corny award shows that run at the end of the year, I have found myself of late reviewing 2011 as my annus horribilus, or whatever terminology the queen used for her worst year. Maybe 2011 has shared top place of crappy year charts with the year i got divorced.

2011, it seems, was the year that chewed me up and spat me out. A constant rollercoaster of challenges, that kept coming and coming. Heres a selection of them!

New Years Day 2011: Regan and his mum have a bad word fight. She didn't speak to us or the grandies for 3 months. Yes, It was March before we were allowed back!
The Big Fight with Kerry, I'm not sure what month....Going back to church knowing that probably everyone in there knows your business and that you certainly aren't that perfect family you hope people think you are!
(Spin off, silver lining, I wonder if you can actually call someone your friend until you've had an argument and patched things up?)
Holding my dear friend Wiremu's hand as he passed away, while Regan attempted CPR on him after a massive heart attack witnessed by Kieran.
The whole ADHD thing - Trying to navigate the muddy pathways of ADHD diagnosis, and not getting adequate support from school or friends!
(Silver Lining - I learnt opinions are like assholes - everyone has one)
The rising cost of living. Wow - I cant believe how prices have jumped. We've had 4 overseas visitors this year, and all have been disgusted about the cost of living here. SAHM-ing sure is a luxury.
Tristan's teacher. Mrs Howie. Blergh. Burnt Out teachers should leave and retire. Instead, they victimise the children in their care. Tristan first year of intermediate ruined by her. Tamatea better pull their socks up this year, or i'm pulling him outta there.
Caitlin and that 'thing' with the school and CYFS, if you don't know about it, i aint telling ya.
Adri leaving us.
How intense things got with Jenniah and Mike.

See - These are just thing as they come to me. The day to day stuff was just as bad. There were good bits though. The slightly shorter list would have to include:

Mike and Ebonys wedding. What a great day! It was great having something to aim for and buy outfits for, and finally having a night off from ALL the kids. Yay Us!
Watching Daniel be born in February. Possibly my all time lifetime high. How this little creature can not be there one minute and here the next was amazing! Profoundly spiritual. I'd so love to do that for a career.

So 2012, you had better have your party outfit on and be ready to give us a stella year! We deserve one!

New Years Resolutions? 

I don't go in for them myself. Too many cliches and not enough willpower.
Although i have set myself some small short term goals for the year. I will put them here to serve as a reminder to myself!

Learn Polymer Clay modelling. I'm already a step ahead at this, as i bought some today. My main intention was to learn to make card toppers for my cardmaking. Turns out - thats really hard and will require some serious upskilling. However sculpting wasn't that hard, and i have a wee piggy in the oven as we speak.

Set Up a Homework Box. Ok, So i hate homework as much as the kids do.I mean, my opinion is that we tell our husbands not to bring work home, but we make our kids do it instead? Who wants to put in 6 hours of schoolwork and then come home and continue. That said, this year, i will try and get a homework box made up with all the cutesy stationary bits that entice small children into working.

Mark Special Peoples Birthdays. This one i'm also already ahead on, as i did all my January birthdays in December. If i keep a month ahead, i might manage this one. (Oh, i should have said, i want to send a handmade card to each one)

And so Goodbye 2011 - Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out!