Not to be big-headed at all - (which means - watch out, i SO am), one thing i do well is the kids parties. Lets face it, thats where all the glory of parenting is. Thats the 'One Good Thing' about having kids, its why you negotiate bedtimes on a nightly basis, put up with the screams in the grocery stores, and endure the bitter fight over weather appropriate clothing. Kids Parties Rock!
I've enjoyed the boy-themed parties over the years for sure. As i previously said, our pirate one was the best we've ever done, But having a daughter is FUN in a different way. Its a re-living your childhood kinda way. You get to do things you would have liked for yourself, but you cant do because you're supoosed to be 'grown up.' (Groan Up more likely)
Heres the invites i had printed. Vistaprint quite often has giveaways, if your smart...this is the way to go. Beautiful quality prints for the price of postage. They come with envelopes too.
I quite often go overboard with food, leaving us to eat party food for the rest if the week! Our kids never complain, but its not the best look. Cold saveloys are gross! This time i made one cupcake per party goer, and had plates of fudge, popcorn, chippies, bikkies and the obligatory savs. Our guests were sated, and had plenty of room for cake!
The cake: Well, lets just say, it wasn't my best effort, im fairly dissapointed in the results. The guests loved it, and made ooohs and aaahhhs in the appropriate places. But for me, if i did it again, i would not use buttercream icing, but stick with royal icing, which gives the most professional looking results.
Here it is. Please don't laugh! Oh, Go on, you can! At the least, i learned some good lessons about cake making. DON'T leave it to the last minute. Buttercream icing is shitty to ice with, and the prep work is important to the finished product. Its meant to be an enchanted castle. If you fancy that, have a look on youtube for ideas. There are some really great ones on there. Inspirational. Another thing i learned was how to do those fancy flowers with an icing bag. Now thats fun. Planning to do a heap for an upcoming potluck tea.
Heres Catey opening her gifts. I used to think doing a special gift opening segment was silly. But its great for the birthday child to feel a bit special. And the giftgivers seem to get a kick out of the their present being selected, opened and appreciated in front of a crowd. Its really a MUST in a party.
Heres the table, set for a High Tea. As you can see its minimal. (The party food isn't on there yet, but the cupcake centrepiece is)
Heres the girls sat down to eat. From teo angles. This is where the children really came to life. Before they sat down, they were all a little too polite! LOL With a bit of food and fellowship they were joking and competing like normal kids. There was even an 'I'm the hardest pincher' debate, which is totally a girl thing. (I'm the highest pitched screamer is a cousin. Thankfully that did not eventuate)
Heres the birthday gir enjoying her party food. I often look at her and am astounded by how beautiful she is. I'm so grateful to god for giving me a much-longed for daughter. She enhances my life in unanticipated ways. Everyone should have a little girl.
The Happy Birthday song. You have to do it. I've been to parties where the mums been too shy to initiate the song. Don't be shy! I always sing Happy Birthday with gusto. Its good for the kids, and gets everyone in the mood. And i like those candles that re-ignite when you blow them out. Very good for a laugh, and shines the spotlight on the birthday child for a bit longer. Also good for sibings to have a blow. "I'll help you!" they all say!
Loot Bags - Every party has them, Usually filled with a variety of lollies and $2 shop stuff, that the kids have come to expect. I did it this year with a slight twist. On the High Tea theme, i got 10 teacups and saucers, and after their use at the tea party, i filled them with lollies and marshmellows and wrapped them in cellophane. The children took these home in place of lootbags. I had some favourable comments. Especially when the parents knew i hadnt gone to any great expense. The most i paid for any cup was $1. Most were less than that, and 4 were given to me by a friend for the purpose.
A close up of the lootbag/cups. The girls wanted to keep their table decorations too. Girls are like that aren't they? Little magpies!!
The party lasted an hour and a half. Ive done them longer, but end up utterley exhausted as i like to put in a great deal of effort into pass the parcel, musical statues and a two year favourite now, pin the tail on the unicorn. You can keep them going with more games, but i think im onto a winner, letting the majority of kids go home at the alloted time and keeping one or two treasured friends a bit longer.
So. Thats that for another year. We still have our actual birthday on Monday, when she'll be getting her gifts. Gifts is my love language, so i will get a kick out of that. Cobys birthday to come. (October - 3 yr old birthday are F.U.N) And Tristans in December.
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