Here's my latest canvas.
Its an idea thats been swirling round in my mind for a couple of weeks. Unbidden, and relentless.
Its the idea that Jesus is bigger than any mistake.
Which is an idea that could do with a little unpacking.
My three year old asked me what it said. I explained, and this is the conversation that followed:
'So, you know how you stole my tic tacs last night?'
'that means that even though you did that. Jesus still loves you.'
'oh! yeah!'
About 5 mins later i revisited that conversation.
'Coby? What does my painting say?'
'It says Jesus loves it when you steal!'
I saw i had some more explaining to do.
God's blanket grace for people who turn their heart towards him, is something that takes alot of explaining. Human hearts feel the injustice when we realise that a baby-murderer is offered the same grace, and forgiveness that we ourselves have. Its an unconditional, all consuming love affair, from our Father directed at His creation.
Accepting this for ourselves is a harder ask, harder still, than understanding it. Often we hold on to our hurts, and our condemnation, allowing them to bloom and fester into all manner of ills. How much better to use the medicine of Grace to seep into our bones, and allow healing to occur.
I think this idea turned canvas that God gave me, was not perhaps just for me.
Recently, One of my sons arrived home in a police car, having been picked up for shoplifting. Its such a shocking event, having your child handled by the law, in such a public way, that at first, the incident rocked my whole world. I thought i'd failed as a parent, and perhaps in some ways, i had.
I wondered at the thought process of this the child, who thought that this was ok.
I ranted.
I raved.
I cried.
I prayed.
And slowly, i began to see that just maybe, this incident might not be a defining moment in our lives, it wasn't a line drawn, marked by 'before' and 'after.' It didn't need to fester and scar. It certainly had (and has) consequences. Far reaching ones for sure. But one thing kept coming back.
Jesus is bigger than any mistake.
Jesus is bigger than any mistake.
Stand before him with a repentant heart, and surely he'll turn any action as white as snow. Erased from His memory, free of judgement.
Not for us. Not for our sake, but for His. To elimanate any barrier that would get in the way of His love for Us.
Its an amazing concept, a powerful one. The feeling of freedom contained in it, has transforming power.
And because we have and can accept forgiveness for our sins. We can offer that same forgiveness to others.
You know that lady who cut you off?
Jesus is bigger than any mistake.
That teacher that never calls on your kid when they put their hand up in class?
Jesus is bigger than any mistake.
Your partner cheated on you
Jesus is bigger than any mistake
Your mother was killed in a road accident by a careless driver.
Yes, Jesus is bigger than that mistake too.
I'm not sitting here, saying its an easy road to take. The road from hatred to forgiveness, might be a twisty one with a couple of u-turns. But the final destination is a journey worth taking.
I'll leave you with a Scripture worth thinking about.
If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful
and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins
[dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness
[everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and
1 John 1: 9
Oh! I found another scripture that really defines my canvas...
1 John 1: 9
Oh! I found another scripture that really defines my canvas...
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ironically, its been staring at me from my bedroom wall for a couple of months!